Murphys magic

Description (English) Memento Mori – “Remember your mortality” Stemming from the medieval Latin theory and practice of reflection on mortality, it has been a ubiquitous part of human culture for centuries. From the philosophical to the artistic, the fascination, fear and appreciation of death has consistently captivated and cultivated our […]

Memento Mori Playing Cards

No camera tricks !! Description (English) Casshan Wallace immediately found worldwide attention with his rubber band effect Melting Point. With acclaim and buzz surrounding his YouTube and Social Media followers, the most common statement about Casshan’s magic is: “That has to be a camera trick”. Well, we’re excited to say […]

Camera Tricks – Casshan Wallace

A great moving hole effect !! Description (English) In the world of physics, there are discoveries being made daily that are going to shape the future of humanity. Most of these wondrous discoveries we cannot see or feel. That is, until Tom Elderfield punching holes in playing cards and instantly […]

Space Time – Tom Elderfield

Make the switch !! Description (English) “This fooled me badly. I will use this deck switch!” – Christian Engblom (Inventor of The Cooler)From shuffled to stacked in seconds – this deck-switching device is so simple in concept and execution that you can tell your audience in advance you’re going to […]

Cold Case – Greg Wilson

Join the revolution! Description (English) Spinning a small item on the tip of your finger is a visceral display of skill, control and years of masterful discipline. But, who has time for all that? Revolution shortcuts the years of practice and allows you to look like a Shaolin Spin-Fu Master […]

Revolution – Greg Wilson